What is a worship service at Trinity Lutheran Church like?
Online or In Person
Trinity currently offers one inside worship service at 10:00 AM. Our 10:00 AM worship service is broadcast on our YouTube channel. If you are sick or in a high-risk group, please stay at home and utilize our online worship options. If you are unable to watch at this specific time, you may view it online at your convenience.
All of our worship services are characterized by traditional Lutheran liturgy and familiar songs of old and new. Hymns are led by Jonathan Owen’s masterful playing on organ and piano. Special music connected with the Gospel is sung by our Music Director, Brian Parrish. Our primary source of hymn & song selections come from the red Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal and the Christian Copyright Licensing International catalog.
We are following these Core Actions:
All members and visitors are encouraged to remain at home if you are sick, are someone deemed at risk, or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Unvaccinated visitors are encouraged to wear a mask at all times in the building.
All worshippers and worship leaders shall maintain safe distancing with no handshakes or hugging.
All attendees are encouraged to engage in handwashing/sanitizing.
All hard surfaces shall be cleaned regularly.
What denomination is Trinity Lutheran Church?
Trinity is a member congregation of the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
How do people dress?
There is no dress code at Trinity. At any service, there will be people dressed to the nines while others wear 'worship casual' and many styles in between the two.
What about my kids?
Children are encouraged to attend services with their parents and to come forward during the Children's Message to hear the Gospel in simple terms. The Children's Message is great for the adults to hear as well, and provides talking points between parents and children later in the day or, better yet, throughout the week. Younger children who have not made their First Communion are welcomed to be with their families at the Lord's table to receive a blessing.
How do I get connected to others at Trinity?
Trinity members are friendly and willing to introduce visitors and new members to others in the congregation. If you are interested in more information on joining Trinity, please contact the church office for more information.
What We Believe
There is a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans. We gather. We encounter God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world. But we do not think about worship so much in terms of what we do. Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Martin Luther taught that we are to rise and say, "I am baptized into Christ" and then go about our daily affairs living in the covenant God made with us in our Baptism. Through the liturgy for the Affirmation of Baptism, Christ Lutheran Church regularly recite a baptismal covenant or promise contained within that liturgy.
The liturgy challenges the baptized people of God to affirm that we will:
live among God's faithful people;
hear the word of God and share in the Lord's Supper;
proclaim the good news of God in thought, word and deed;
serve all people following the example of Jesus;
strive for justice and peace in all the earth.
This describes the five central faith practices that grow out of baptism of Christ.
Communion is the celebration of the Last Supper, the night in which Jesus ate and drank with his inner circle of disciples, inviting them to gather together around a meal and rejoice at the act of love that Jesus was going to perform on the cross.
At Trinity Lutheran Church, we celebrate communion weekly as a sign of importance in the life of Christians. We believe the body and blood of Jesus Christ comes to us through communion, not merely symbolically but as a true presence. At Trinity, we welcome all Christians to the communion rail to practice open communion. Small children who have not received their First Communion are also invited to be at the communion rail where they will receive a blessing.