Being a Stephen Ministry Care Receiver is a Gift to the Stephen Minister as well as Yourself
Trinity Lutheran Church is not only a church, but it is also a family. As family members, we are committed to serve one another, and we also allow others to serve us when the need arises.
Who is Eligible to be a
Stephen Ministry Care Receiver?
Anyone in our church family who could use regular and supportive contact with an individual who has been trained to listen and to bring the love and presence of God into a relationship.
What Is the Procedure?
Individuals could be referred to the Stephem Ministery program by the pastor, by another member of the church, or by self-request.
Referrals, other than self-request, need the consent of the individual.
Once referred, the individual is contacted by a Stephen Minister Leader and the program is explained.
If there is an agreement to receive a Stephen Minister, a Stephen Minister is assigned to the Care Receiver based on the personality and experience of the Stephen Minister. Men are assigned to the men and women to the women.
The Stephen Minister will contact the Care Receiver and meet with them on a regular basis as long as their support is needed.
The Stephen Minister will have the support of qualified leaders and the pastors, but will maintain total confidentiality regarding any information shared.
For more information
Speak to a Stephen Minister by calling the church office at 636-227-5432 or Email us at